across the street


local mission opportunities

Antioch Bible Church’s Mission Ministry exists to glorify God by making disciples through education, training, evaluation and providing opportunities to minister and serve cross-culturally with the Gospel of Jesus Christ – Across the Street and Around the World.

If you would like to help in the Mission Ministry contact Melanie Williams at 425-406-8336 or email.


30 Days of prayer

During the Islamic observance of Ram’adan, Mu’slims around the world are seeking encounters with God. While they believe they are seeking “Al’lah” Christ is actually revealing Himself to many, in the form of dreams and visions and Mu’slims are being saved! We are currently seeing the greatest and most wide-reaching turning of Mu’slims to Christ in history and you can be part of it – right from the comfort of your own home. Join us in prayer all year long and at Ram’adan!


Blessing baskets

Holiday food baskets provide Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, as well as gifts (via gift cards) for those who may be in need of a helping hand. 

This outreach not only cares for people in our church but also for many in Kirkland Heights, the Section-8 housing development in our neighborhood.

Contact: Melanie Williams
Phone: 425-406-8336


Union Gospel Mission

Serve the homeless community with Union Gospel Mission.

Pastor Mark Webster and others from our congregation serve regularly on the Search + Rescue teams that provide food, clothing, and evangelism opportunities to those on the streets of Seattle.

Contact: Melanie Williams
Phone: 425-406-8336