Our Mission in Sunday School

Antioch’s children’s ministry has three goals for your child to learn. And they are that church is a place to find abundance:

an abundance of faith,

an abundance of friends,

and an abundance of fun.


Your child’s faith starts at home. Our ministry comes alongside you in the teaching of God’s great love for His children. We are with your children for just a short hour and a half on Sundays. While they are with us, they will hear a Bible story that always shares a Christ connection to the story. They will learn that God loves them, that He always has a plan, and that He is a good King, worthy of our praise.


Church is so much more than the sermon you hear. The church experience for you as an adult and even your child is about being with the body, learning from one another, serving one another, and loving one another.

Your child is starting to make friends! How exciting to see your little one growing into their own unique personality. By attending regularly, your child will begin to make friends and grow more comfortable in his/her class.


Let’s have some fun!! Sing some songs, shouts of praise! Jump up and down, and bounce the balls. From playtime with toys, and crafts with leaders, your child will have some great fun in their class.

We want your child’s church experience to be fun because we believe that living life with God will bring a joy-filled life no matter the circumstances.