The Classroom Experience

The preschool classroom is equipped to give children a safe and fun experience with lots of play, songs, crafts, and of course snack time.

In this age group, children are beginning to understand classroom rhythms and behaviors that are acceptable. This includes sitting down for story time, listening to teachers, and using our words to ask for what we need.

During snack time, children are offered goldfish crackers and fruit snacks. We recommend bringing your child’s own bottled water.

Make sure to register your student for this class so you receive the monthly emails to practice the songs at home. The Gospel Project provides a Bible story video summarizing the day’s lesson that ends our class time together.

Please bathroom your child before dropping off in class

There is a bathroom right across from the preschool class. Use before dropping off.

If your child is still in pull-ups, you are responsible for changing & bathrooming.


When should I pick up my child from class?

Children must be picked up by a parent or guardian holding the security tag printed at check-out. Children must be checked out of class within 10 minutes of the service ending.


Graduation & Move-Up Sunday

August 27th | September 3rd

Children stay in the preschool class until they are five years of age.

We have a party the last week of August for all of our 5-year-olds who are graduating: teachers say goodbye and students are introduced to their new class and teachers.

Children are officially welcomed to the elementary class on September 3rd.

A child’s dedication is an important part of you and your child’s faith journeys… email Children’s Director, Dominique Tate to find out more.


The Volunteer Team

The leaders in Antioch’s Sunday school classes serve once a month.

WHY? Antioch has one Sunday service and in order to engage our children and volunteers in a healthy balance of serving and attending, we request all leaders attend a church service at least twice a month and serve once a month.

Youth leaders are ages 12-17. Youth leaders serve once a month and are required to attend the Antioch Youth Life Groups or church services with their family regularly.

All parents and guardians are asked to serve one Sunday each quarter (or four times a year). If parents are serving in another area on Sundays they are exempt.

These incredible volunteers and parents work together to provide a safe classroom experience for your children.


join our team

Help us grow a thriving children’s program
Volunteers serve once a month.

We are looking for a Bible leader, craft leader,
and youth helpers.

If you have experience with children with special needs, we are also looking for a Sunday buddy.